Sunday 27 November 2011

Weekly Update 2: A long list

Firstly sorry this is a bit late I was quite busy the last few days. The tank is doing fairly well. With Co2 installed the plants are looking noticeably better and greener although still suffering from lack of light. The fish are doing good. The platy's are growing nicely. Unfortanately the minnows are quite aggressive towards eCh other. This is a problem because I am planning to have timid fish like neon tetras and emperor tetras. Still this can wait. For now the Co2 has been to a big enough upgrade. But in the future I hope to upgrade the lights to either a 55 watt or two thirty watt. Also I plan to get more plants. Then once that has been seen too and the plants have stabilized I'll get some new fish. I was thinking maybe two black mollies, two emperor tetras and ten or so neon tetras. If this goes well maybe I'll try something more difficult like some flame tetras or lemon tetras.


  1. Make a new blog post, you were 2 day a late on the last one, so then you have ones post per day on average before, so if you have 5 posts in the next 3 days it will make up for it

  2. I see that you have given up on your blog
