Friday 18 November 2011

Weekly Post 1: A Shaky but Lucky Start

Might get some black Molly's to control algae
A newer version of my old filter
So here we are, the first Friday post and already approaching 600 Views! Thanks for your guys support, honestly didn't expect it but am happy to see it. Now about the tank. Put simply, I probably should have waited to start the tank. I realize now after reading up on the net that I didn't have most of the needed equipment to properly take care of the tank. I have no water testing equipment, no Co2 fertilization, and to top it off the old filter just conked out today. But I'm looking to change this. I'm planning to get water testing equipment, a new filter, possibly some new plants as well as making my Co2 fertilization system. That's the shaky part, the lucky part is that everything survived and seems to be doing okay. The fish seem happy but the plants are being attacked by snails which I am also looking at getting rid of. Stay tuned for more on my projects and new stuff and once again thanks for the support. 


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