Wednesday 16 November 2011

Plants in the Aquarium 1

Plants are an important part of the aquarium. They have many benefits that improve the health of fish and the overall tank.
1 Plants produce oxygen in photosynthesis. In this they take in carbon dioxide and water and light and produce sugar for themselves and most importantly oxygen. This is a much better source of oxygen then from airrocks for two reasons. It is disolved directly into the water and it doesn't produce a surface of bubbles. These bubbles allow carbon dioxide to leave the water and go into the air. Not good seeing plants need the carbon dioxide to live.

Oxygen is good for the tank mainly in that it is essental for fish to live. They will enjoy a more healhy life if there is a good amount of oxygen in the water.
A word of warning plants consume oxygen at night in respiration to produce energy. This should not be a problem unless you have a highly stocked tank, in which case use caution.


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