Thursday 24 November 2011

Lighting: The Next Problem in Liine

So with the recent completion and success and of my Co2 system I now have to go on to a new project. On a trip to my local fish shop and on the net I came across the 2 watt rule, which is that to grow plants you need at least 2 watts per gallon minimum. On inspection of the hood unit on my 29 gallon tank, i found that the bulb in there is a measly twenty watts. Worse yet the hood is only rated to twenty watts becasue of heat issues. It appears once again I will have to do a little DIY to shape things up. I am considering building a LED light assembly to meet the size, heat and light requirements of the tank. I am still thinking about it but it's looking like thats how it's going to go.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, its friday, the only day of the week you said that you would have a post
