Monday 30 April 2012

Dead Molly

On the weekend one of my Molly's died. I don't know exactly why this time and have no clues other then it looked very lethargic after I did a water change on Saturday. So far I have lost one Plady and one Molly. The first one I lost because it died of carbon dioxide poisoning when it got stuck under my Co2 ladder. I can see losing one fish accidentally but two very similar fish is a bit odd. Both fish were female live bearers. The only thing that I can think of that would have killed it was that there was a slight build up of blue green algae on the back glass of the tank but that doesn't make any sense because if there was rebuild of toxins from it the Plady fry would be affected first and they appear to be fine. Luckily I found the Molly before it started to breakdown and release too much ammonia so that the other fish seem to be fine. 

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