Sunday 15 April 2012

Starting The New Tank

I have been talking about starting a new tank for a while now, and I have now started things rolling. I already had  an old six gallon tank sitting around and I went for a trip to Big Al's to pick up some beige gravel, a heater and a sponge filter. The Gravel slopes off to the left back corner while the filter and heater are on the right. I was originally going to cycle the tank with Zebra Danios but realized that I would have to throw the tank up in a matter of minutes or release them into my main tank were they might harass my neon's or my young Plady's. So i decided to go with fish less cycling using fish food. Right now I have no plans for the tank but i do have a few ideas.

A Shrimp and Moss Tank
The small size of the tank means there is not a lot of room for equipment like Co2 and not a lot of room for fish either. Moss however is not fussy and will provide a nice food source and hiding place for shrimp.

Fry Tank
I may end up using this tank to raise up my young Plady's. In my current tank they only get to eat plants because they are scared of the bigger fish but in a tank to themselves i could actually feed them and then with the extra protein I am sure they would grow much faster.

Hopefully I will get pictures later but at the moment the Computer does not have enough memory to install the camera software. When I install it I will load up all the pictures I have taken over the last few months. 

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