Monday 30 January 2012

The Plan: New Fish

Neon Tetra

So I have been doing a lot of research which is what lead to me getting new lights (which I plan to pick up this weekend) and know I have a plan for getting new fish. For those of you who are new to the aquarium hobby it is usually more appealing to have one or two large groups of schooling fish and one or two species of none schooling fish. For me right now I have three Platy's which are none schooling and two Liberty Mollies which are  also non schooling. I want to have two different schools but schools usually need to be made of eight or more fish, so I am limited to quite small fish. That being said I have come to a decision. I wanted to get a Dwarf Gourami but its large size would have stopped me from adding my second school so I decided to go without it. In the end I have decided to with ten Neon Tetras and eight Black Neon Tetras or Silver Tipped Tetras. The neon Tetras are peaceful active, and not picky about food or water. The Black Neons and Silver Tipped will contrast with these nicely and are also like most tetras very peaceful. I am strapped for cash at the moment and the new light fixture and a few new plants will be strain on my Budget so the fish will have to wait for a couple of weeks.
Black Neon Tetra
Silver Tipped Tetra

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