Saturday 10 December 2011

Weekly Post 4: New Things to Come

So in a nutshell things in the tank are doing all right. I lost one plant from rough handling but the other few seem to be doing all right and excelling with Co2. They are low light plants though so I'll still need more light to get more variety. After inspecting the Co2 system a found a leak in the separator cap and after disconnecting it I beefed up the silicone and now I have one bottle running again. Fish seem to be doing fine except that the minnows seem  to be fighting each other. I'll have to give them to someone if before adding any more fish as I want to run a community tank. Other than that stay tuned for a How To on Co2 Production next week and on new weekly posts I will be putting in readings for Gh, Kh, pH, and nitrite and nitrate levels.

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