Friday 1 June 2012

New Feeding Schedule

I recently switched from feeding once a day in the evening to feeding my fish twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. I haven't done much research into this but the fish seem to be quite a bit more lively and the neon's seem to have a bit brighter color. Just something to try if your fish are sluggish and you are feeding only once a day.

IF your fish are sluggish it could be many other things too. Low oxygen, high nitrites or nitrates, too much Co2, shock, too much or too little light, environment (moving rocks, or having no places to hide, no plants) are all things you should consider before feeding more food to your fish because the increase in waste could overpower the bacteria in a bare bottom or overstocked tank. 


  1. Thanks I'll start feeding my fish twice a day, and do Betta fish need higher oxygen levels or anything?

    1. No betta's do not need particularly high oxygen levels. There native environment is actually quite low in oxygen. Also the have an organ that lets them breathe oxygen from the air. If the reason that your going to try feeding your betta twice a day is because it is sluggish id try raising the water temperature to around 80F or 27C first and see if that has any effect. If you could give me some more information about your tank then I'd be happy to help you out more.
